What else would I focus my inaugural post on besides the clown world we call Canada. My distaste for my home country has grown exponentially over the past year, picking up steam with every new Liberal bill, restriction, and self-important social media post from my fellow citizen. For most of my life, I loved Canada and my hometown, Vancouver. Today, I never want to go back. Much blame can be placed on Trudeau’s illiberal party, but he’s not the only problem. Canadians themselves are also to blame.
This week, it was announced that Ontario is moving school back online, and closing restaurants, bars, and gyms. Employees are to work remotely “unless their work requires them to be on site.” Students in BC can still go to school, but all the kids have to be vaccinated and wear masks, despite the fact we should now all be aware that cloth masks do next to nothing in terms of stopping the spread of Covid. Quebec banned private gatherings, imposed a 10PM curfew, mandated churches closed (as well as restaurants, bars, and gyms), and will no longer allow the unvaccinated to buy booze and weed from government-run outlets. Quebecois students will also be forced back online, zooming their lives away.
Amusingly, Ontario is referring to these lockdown measures as “a modified version of Step Two of the province's Roadmap to Reopen” (as if there is any reopening plan), having gracefully crabwalked out of step three and the promise of an exit to glorious step four, which is fair to assume Ontarians can look forward to post-death.
Despite the fact Canadians were required to get “vaccine passports,” under the guise this would allow them access to freedom (you know, the kind of freedom that is contingent on not making free choices and that can be taken away at a moment’s notice), they are back where they started a year ago. And despite the vaccine apparently accomplishing nothing, in terms of this supposed “return to normal,” third and forth booster shots are being pushed.
What to do, what to do. Ah, I know. More hate, more villification, more intolerance, more division. Definitely more boosters. For sure less rights.
Last month, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau went on Quebec TV and said those who have declined to get vaccinated “don’t believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist.” He went on say Canadians must make a choice about whether or not to “tolerate these people.” Well, lucky you, Trudeau! They aren’t. The most tolerant people in the world, as it turns out, are pretty intolerant.
One might wonder why, after it has been made clear to Canadians that no amount of compliance will give them back the rights and freedoms they gave up already, and that they were lied to when they were told mass vaccination would allow them to “go back to normal,” so many continue to go along. But go along they are. With blind resentment — not towards the government destroying their country and continuing to hold their rights hostage — but toward those who have to gall to attempt independence and critical thought. Sit down, shut up, and take your medicine. This punishment is for your own good.
Our nation’s uber polite reputation suddenly got very creepy.
Even those attempting a heterodox approach to Canadian politics cannot wrest themselves from the party line, which is that anyone declining the vaccine is “ridiculous” and probably dangerous; that “Ok fine, you can take our kids out of school again, but just give us a good reason!” (as if there is any good reason, at this point, to continue to disrupt everyone’s lives in this particular way); and that the best solution is to vaccinate more kids and get your booster!
I am not an expert on these particular “vaccines,” but I have listened to many experts and looked at analysis and data, and the evidence shows they don’t stop the spread, which means that the only reason people should be getting vaccinated is if they believe it may lessen symptoms, thereby (hopefully) keeping them out of the hospital and hopefully preventing death. Many of the vaccinated are still getting sick and spreading the virus, making the whole vax push pretty pointless.
The mandates don’t make sense for anyone, because it is unacceptable to force anyone to make health decisions about their own bodies against their will. The only people who could be argued need this vaccine are the elderly and immunocompromised, and even they should have a choice, based on their own circumstances and interests. Healthy people, kids, and those with natural immunity should be particularly respected for their choice to opt out, seeing as getting vaccinated make no sense for them, and be left alone to live their lives. But regardless of all the evidence in front of our noses, clear to anyone with eyes, qualifications aside (YOU’RE NOT A DOCTOR EITHER, MR “TRUST THE SCIENCE”), I continue to see Canadians vilifying the unvaccinated and suggesting they not be permitted health care, should they arrive at the hospital with a postive Covid test. I’d love to see these people make the same arguments about people who choose to smoke, who are obese, or who drink pop instead of water. Should they too be banned from public life and health care access because they made choices that compromise their health?
This ongoing insistence that anyone declining to vaccinate is some kind of crazy conspiracy theorist who doesn’t care about the health and safety of their fellow citizen is straight garbage and, frankly, ignorant.
I am not equipped to go into great detail about potential risks, but I do know that not all concerns are unsubstantiated and that, in fact, MOST of you (despite your Very Sincere and Serious Facebook Posts) are not experts on the safety and effecicacy of these particular vaccines, so would be best to back the fuck down with your pompous mockery of those who have determined the risk isn’t worth the reward.
There is evidence the vaccine could cause heart problems in young men, as well as legitimate concerns that vaccines (especially continued boosters) may harm immune systems and our ability to fight off Covid in particular. There is evidence that natural immunity is more effective than the vaccine, and that risks are increased for those who take the vaccine who have already had Covid, and therefore probably don’t need the vaccine in any case. Numerous women have reported disruption to menses after getting vaccinated. There was also a clear suppression of effective treatment methods, in favour of a vaccine push, that any thinking person should consider when insisting all this is only for “public health” and “for your own good.”
But moreover, for most people, it is the mandate, not vaccines themselves, they disagree with, as they should. It should only ever be the choice of the individual, as to what they wish to put in their bodies, and it is a breach of constitutional rights to force people to take this vaccine under threat of being removed from public life, fired from their job, prevented from getting an education, or moving about freely. And considering the extent to which information has been suppressed around all of this by media and Big Tech — considering the disinformation and conflicting, not-backed-by-evidence claims fed to us by governments and media — it should not be at all surprising that so many people don’t trust the vaccine push, nor do they appreciate the bullying from the government and media, nevermind from friends and woke internet know-it-alls.
I quite literally saw a post proclaiming that choosing not to get the vaccine because you are healthy and don’t feel you need it is “ableist,” as it endangers “people with disabilities, chronic illness, increased exposure due to poverty or class” and that therefore “you should not be surprised that they no longer want you in their community.”
This is peak woke Canadian: a person who does not understand how this vaccine works, has not read or considered any evidence showing these vaccines could have health risks for some, has no contact with actual working class people who are rejecting the vaccine and associated mandates, unlike the middle and upper class elites supporting them, and has obviously been stuck within a very limited, Canadian-specific bubble, mainlining propaganda, without bothering to explore information or perspectives that challenge her chosen narrative, daring to threaten others with ostracization from the safety of her couch. You are the fascist, sweetie. You are the danger. You should get some exercise and get out into the world with real people, who might widen your perspective and provide you with some much-needed compassion for your fellow human.
All this is not serving the marginalized, if this is who you are pretending to care about. It is serving corporations, the wealthy, and those in power. This much is obvious. If you want to advocate totalitarianism, and try to bully your friends and neighbours into making personal health decisions they don’t feel comfortable with, knock yourself out I guess, but don’t pretend you’re doing it to help the poor or working class, or “people of colour” (as these types like to throw in there for good measure).
These ongoing lockdown and mandates hurt most of us, in terms of health, mental health, our basic rights and freedoms, and the future of our civilization, but those harmed the most will continue to be those on the bottom rung.
I don’t want to be mean (psych!), but it’s become difficult for me to pity a Canadian population who in many ways brought this on themselves. I am constantly wanting to remind people that the government is meant to work for you, not the other way around. Your rights exist specifically so that the government can’t take them away on a whim (or, ahem, to gain more power), and yet many Canadians seem not only to believe that their rights are a reward for good behaviour, but actually seem supportive of totalitarian measures and are advocating citizens lose their rights if they don’t goose step quickly and quietly enough.
Things are looking bleak, and if Canadians continue down this path, their dystopia will become permanent, if it hasn’t already.
Slow on the uptake, as I often am, I have clearly started a Substack. I have been meaning to for some time, but was worried about my ability to put the time necessary into yet another endeavour. At the end of the day, though, my work is up there with the most bannable content, and I need to ensure I have platforms and outlets in as many places as possible, lest Trudeau follow through on his aims to ban those, like me, who fail to toe his party line, from platforms like YouTube and Facebook, as well as from society as a whole. I know myself well enough to know I will never shut up, and as an independent, ever-vulnerable to the whims of Big Tech, I need to branch out.
I plan to share my commentary here, on various topics of interest, but this is also a way to keep up with all my interviews on my YouTube channel/podcast. I hope you will support my ongoing heresy by subscribing.
Excellent! The Murphys are out in full force today (it's daytime here in SE Asia. First, Rex earlier in the day and now, Meghan. Great to see you here.
Most of the accounts on social media are employees of big pharma pushing the guilt and hate agenda, astroturf campaigns are how they roll. Same MO as fake underground political movements to overthrow democratically elected govts on behalf of imperial forces. This is a global push for global power by the same people that control the central counterfeiting operations they call banks. There are scientists out there debunking germ theory completely, not strange you haven't heard of them. At any rate, I wouldn't believe that most of the hateful accounts are real people, most of them are paid staff with scripts. Yes there are a lot of people who buy that crap but mostly I think Canadians are hoping that if we keep our heads down it will go away, which it will not. And anyone notice that the worst lockdowns are in Commonwealth countries? yeah, this is still a remnant of the British Empire, and it wants to return to global hegemony, and it wants the US as it's prime goal, hence the Opium Wars against the population there (how they took over China). It's big and it's stupid and it won't work, but yes in the mean time Canada is not a fun place to be.