Lest we forget the brave Canadians posting on Facebook...
Legions of progressives who risked it all to post about how they weren't going to use Spotify anymore were forgotten this weekend
Amid all the hubbub around the Canadian truckers and their supporters selfishly fighting for your rights and freedoms, we have forgotten about some very important people. I am speaking, of course, about the brave warriors of Facebook.
While tens of thousands of Canadians left the comfort of their homes in the Canadian winter to show love and support for their fellow citizen, and to remind Prime Minister Trudeau that, in fact, he works for the people of Canada, not the other way around, courageous Facebook users were risking it all to post about how they were not going to use Spotify anymore.
The pyjama class is not going to take Joe Rogan sitting down, because sitting down is the only thing they do, and they want to do that from within the comfort of an algorithm that doesn’t challenge their doctrine. While sitting down, though, they will not stay silent while their rights and freedoms are returned to them. No, they will not leave the house. No, they will not seek news coverage outside the CBC. They will not stand by as other people share their opinions, beliefs, or expertise. The people of Facebook have spoken, and while they may not have ever listened to The Joe Rogan Experience, they know for sure that it is very bad to listen to.
Considering what they knew to be true, despite not having actually bothered to listen to even one full episode of Joe Rogan’s podcast, upon which he has interviewed well over 1000 various people, from MMA fighters, to comedians, to musicians, actors, doctors, scientists, authors, politicians, and more, there truly could be no braver choice than to take to Facebook, and express their choice to sacrifice Spotify to save fascism.
Imagine a world with free speech? Where people were permitted to share facts and opinions that you didn’t like? What if those facts challenged your preferred beliefs? What if those opinions changed your perspective or offered views you had not yet been exposed to? What if you learned something new?
We all know how dangerous it is to speak to, stand next to, or keep Facebook friends who don’t have the exact same life, politics, background, economic class, Apple products, and opinions we do. And that Joe Rogan has the audacity to speak to some people who are not us, or exactly like us, should lead the good among us to action. Get out those typing fingers, people. Wrongthink is out there. I mean, CNN says it’s wrong, anyway. (Oh, also: end capitalism! Corporate power is really bad unless that corporate power is silencing those who question the corporate sponsered narrative.)
That wealthy artists like Neil Young and Joni Mitchell have pulled their music from the streaming service should be proof enough that free speech is a bad thing, and also that the 11 million people who listen to each episode of The Joe Rogan Experience are Nazis.
Why didn’t the tens of thousands of Canadians who came out to fight for their rights and freedoms stay at home on the couch and post on Facebook about the fact they weren’t going to use Spotify anymore? Something is wrong in this world when you could have stayed in your sweatpants and virtue signalled to a few dozen people who are, like you, much better, more good and moral people than tens of thousands of Canadians who so selfishly want more for themselves, their friends, their families, and their neighbours than lives online, dictated and manipulated by social media corporations.
What I want to know is not what real Canadians think and care about, but what you, Facebook user, are using to stream your non-Nazi music and podcasts.
Thank you for your courage, but most of all thank you Mark Zuckerberg.
And we had way more excitement and love down on the streets amidst all the truck horns!
The reaction of much of the left in Canada is completely insane. Many of them are screeching about white supremacists and Nazis, when that has absolutely nothing to do with anything!