The real working class revolution is the fight against vaccine mandates
The working class are fighting back against elite power and totalitarianism
On Sunday, thousands of truckers across Canada headed towards Ottawa to protest a new mandate requiring they be vaccinated in order to cross the border from the United States. Already, grocery stores in Canada were seeing food shortages on account of the vaccine mandate, and now that Canadian truckers are fighting back, the supply chain will be futher impacted as will food costs.
But this is precisely how you get shit done.
This action is akin to striking, in that it wields the power of the worker against the big boss — in this case Trudeau’s Liberal Party.
Progressives and the mainstream media have vested much energy into insisting anyone critical of vaccine mandates (and Covid restrictions in general) is an “anti-vaxxer” (therefore ignorant, dangerous, crazy, a conspiracy theorist, etc.), “right wing,” violent, stupid, or selfish. Essentially the same narrative applied to those who voted for Trump over Hillary in 2016 or Biden in 2020 is applied to those concerned about the irrationality and totalitarianism of forcing people to get vaccinated against their will (ironic, considering that Trump has been very pro-Covid vaccine). The attempted party line was always that those who voted for Trump, and now those who oppose the ongoing, increasingly nonsensical Covid restrictions are bigoted, hateful people who don’t care about the wellbeing of the marginalized.
In truth, it has been the privileged — the middle and upper class; the over educated, urban elites; those with political, corporate, and media power — who have worked to silence, erase, marginalize, villify, and ostracize all those who fail to play along with this ongoing charade. They continue to ignore the valid reasons people chose to reject the Democrats in favour of Trump and the valid reasons people are concerned about the ongoing Covid-related mandates. They have done this intentionally, from my perspective, in order to avoid acknowledging the fact that progressive political mantras and the parties claiming to support the marginalized no longer represent the interests of working class people. Certainly they no longer stand for freedom and constitutional rights.
Those who don’t support the mandates or who opt out have been fired from their jobs, prevented from leaving the country, excluded from society, and threatened with fines and extra taxes. Progressives have suggested they lose access to health care or be left to die. Yet somehow, those advocating further attacks on our rights and freedoms, cheering on silencing by Big Tech, demanding we put trust in Big Pharma, and attempting to inact a new caste system are the “good guys.”
An article in the Economist about “arguments” happening in Europe over the mandates stated that “anti-vax protests” were “fuelled by the far right and prone to violence.” The Washington Post framed anyone who remained unvaccinated by choice as “reckless” and deserving of any “consquences” they face, as well as essentially brainwashed by “right-wing media and MAGA politicians’ anti-vaccine scaremongering.” The CBC referred to those organizing the Freedom Convoy as “an anti-public-health-mandate group.” The Globe and Mail referred to supporters of the truckers as “vaccine hesistant.”
The problem, in as far as the media and progressives pretend it to be, is only that all people can’t be convinced to get the Covid vaccine. The reasons why some don’t wish to get vaccinated or why many of those who have gotten the vaccine remain opposed to the mandates are ignored or misrepresented.
These mandates are breach of Canadians’ constitutional rights. Threatening a person’s job or mobility rights on account of a private, individual health decision is wrong ethically and legally, but is also an attack on the working class. It is not, of course, the middle and upper class who have suffered most in all this — those who are wealthy have in many cases become more wealthy, and white collar workers have been able to simply move online. The poor and working class are reliant on jobs they have to show up for. If those companies, businesses, or industries providing jobs and income shut down, they’re hooped. When small businesses — gyms, restaurants, bars — are forced to close their doors, people already struggling to make it are screwed. Meanwhile the new elite class of progressives demand more restrictions and mandates, all in the name of supposed care for their fellow citizen.
The modern left is now the elite class, who have the gall to frame the working class, abandoned to fight for their own rights and survival, as the privileged and as a danger to society.
Whether the truckers participating in the Freedom Convoy constitute “the right” really doesn’t matter anymore. The left is no longer fighting for the working class — they have lost touch with the struggles and concerns of real working people in North America, and have chosen ideology, empty mantras, and political virtue signalling over freedom, rights, and justice. How dare they speak of “public health” while putting people out of work, isolating them, and forcing them to make medical decisions against their will.
The GoFundMe page supporting the Freedom Convoy has raised $4 million dollars, and Canadians have come out in droves to cheer on the truckers as they make their way across BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. I — a Canadian who identified as a Marxist, then a socialist, for the majority of her life, until ditching the left a couple of years ago in favour of rationality, free speech, and independent thought — no longer care about left or right, and neither should you. What is important is standing up for what is right — for our rights.
I’m so inspired by and proud of Canadians today — finally and for once — I can’t remember the last time I felt this way. Thank god there are still come courageous rebels among us. And surprise — it’s not the academics or the activists or those dictating the narrative around oppression and power online, but the regular working Canadians, who are standing up, taking risks, and fighting for rationality and against tyranny.
I'm so glad people are talking about class again. This is the real social justice issue.
"The left is no longer fighting for the working class — they have lost touch with the struggles and concerns of real working people in North America, and have chosen ideology, empty mantras, and political virtue signalling over freedom, rights, and justice." - Amen. I am politically homeless due to this.