Meghan, thank you for this conversation! I am a school based SLP and did not stay silent but felt so frustrated because no one would listen! I wrote many letters about the harms of masking and was told frustratingly there is no evidence they cause harm. I am now trying to speak out on how the reliance on computers have over taken our education with little evidence they actually support learning, especially since Covid. I would argue that they cause more harm. I believe there is an education technology industrial complex and hope it is exposed soon. Clearly kids are struggling to learn the basics and relying on computers in schools rather than paper/pencil task is not helping.

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Thank you once again for demonstrating that there is still some intelligence and courage in this world. Listening to Mandel is like taking a bath in common sense. I fear that she is very, very correct in saying that vast majority of people are cowards and would watch others die rather than challenge received opinions no matter how abusive, misogynist or even nazi they might be. Kindest regards.

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why do you all think that magical thinking has taken over? stupidity? conformity? the need to appear to be a kind person (why all the guilt behind such an attitude)?

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why do you all think that magical thinking has taken over? stupidity? conformity? the need to appear to be a kind person (why all the guilt behind such an attitude)?

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I think people are inherently drawn to tribalism and want to fit in/think of themselves as 'good people.' Unfortunately most are not cut out to be lone wolves and maybe some are simply not capable of the kind of critical thought required to think beyond the mantras... I think a better understanding of history could do a world of good. I don't get the sense most really understand what went down in the Soviet Union, for example. Even just re-reading 1984 would probably help people understand where this could all head if we don't push back.

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