Great conversation, I will definitely check out her book! I completely agree with your discussion regarding masks. Communication is a dynamic process that requires so much more than just words! As a speech pathologist I was so completely frustrated with how all of the negative impacts of mask wearing (especially on children and those that work with them) were completely overlooked by many in my field. I still hear many argue that they "must do something" despite all the evidence. The lack of critical thinking and ability to engage in discussions regarding different opinions (on many topics) is unfortunate. I fear that with a supposed "spike" in whatever new variant comes out way, masks will make a comeback.

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I am baffled just at the individuals who didn't feel incredibly frustrated at trying to communicate with a mask on (and then that this frustration wouldn't lead them to think about the wider consequences). All the people who said 'this is fine' generally baffle me.

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Exactly! And to have other professionals in my field (as communication specialist no less) tell me but "Masks save lives" was just insane. How on earth does that statement even make sense?!

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I have no idea

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addendum: the NYU professor I mentioned is Mark Crispin Miller. He is actually a professor of Media, Culture and Communication. He was interviewed on April 17, 2021 by Julian Vigo of Savage Minds.

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thanks, Meghan, for a really great interview. I'm especially glad you brought up the topic of personality -- what type of people succumb to this type of propaganda and what type do not. This is such a huge issue, but I'd like to see it explored much further. I'm reminded of a professor at NYU who taught a class in philosophy who was lambasted by the administration for asking the students in his class to think about the issue of covid, not take a stand, just think about it. His answer to the interviewer was the idea that if people actually do think about this kind of thing (so promoted by those in authority) that it will upset their whole belief system. I believe he is on the right track. How many people could tolerate the belief that the whole system is a sham, that democracy does not exist, that virtually everything on tv is propaganda, etc........

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Bauer seems timid and sheepish. She doesn't explain why she got the vaccine. Interesting interview, and a good book though.

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