The Same Drugs
The Same Drugs
Garrett Jonsson of Fight the New Drug on why you should stop using porn

Garrett Jonsson of Fight the New Drug on why you should stop using porn

Meghan Murphy speaks with Garrett Jonsson about why he stopped using porn and how to talk to others about the impacts of porn on our lives and relationships

Garrett Jonsson is a public speaker and the host of Fight the New Drug’s podcast, Consider Before Consuming. He identifies himself as a compulsive porn user who quit, and became an advocate, speaking to people across the country about the harmful impact of porn. In this episode, I spoke with Garrett about his experiences with porn, how it impacted his relationship — both with himself and his partner — why he stopped consuming, and his approach to talking with others about porn use.

Watch this interview on YouTube

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The Same Drugs
The Same Drugs
Meghan Murphy and guests embrace authenticity, and have real, honest discussions about culture, politics, relationships, internet wars, the media social justice, cancel culture, and more. Conversations outside the algorithm.