It's so refreshing listening to two strong intelligent women talking about female issues. No pretenses, no explanations, and no apologies. I've heard good interviews of HJ by men, but I've never heard her so honest, comfortable, and without any inhibitions as in this clip. I felt as if I was eavesdropping on two friends discussing the state of women's affairs. Thanks for sharing.

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The Feminist Current was the first gander critical podcast I had ever run across. That was via your posts of it in Facebook s few years ago.

Helen Joyce is brilliant of course. I read Trans a few months ago. It is a great book.

Regarding girls going trans: I was just after this listening to Steven Hassan's podcast about cults. He said "The tricky thing with cults is that you have of the illusion of choice, you have the illusion of control. . ." and I think that applies here. Young people who are not at prepared to choose are given this false choice that they can be something in their mind outside of the constraints of the body.

The is a choice of trans-humanism. I think all this is an early manifestation of trans-humanism. I think you talked to a woman recently that was pointing that out. It's incredibly crude since it doesn't really work when it comes to all the surgeries, removing this and that and attempting to construct the other. (Many of us have seen the miserable post-op detransitioners on YouTube.)

But what is next? Are they going to find a way to change people via genetics or chromosomes? I wouldn't be surprised. A what sort of choices of augmentation will be available then?

Anyway, I do a book review YouTube thing, it's my hobby and did one about Trans in which I mis-countryed Helen Joyce by calling her Irish, but I got her pronouns right.

It's here is anyone is curious:

Actually it is the one of my videos with the most views because of the topic I guess. It's not great, just me babbling:


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