Excellent essay.

Thank you.

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Wow. What an exceptional analysis and take down. On the topic of sex work: I recounted recently a story of something that happened to me in Dominican while on holiday to a friend. Basically, a staff member was talking with me and me being the friendly sort, I responded. Then he abruptly said "I'll come to your room tonight. 400 dollars". I was beyond mortified and said no thank you and walked away. When I told my friend this story as a cautionary tale (he was going to Dominican on holiday right away), he thought it was a) funny and b) couldn't understand why I was so grossed out. So here I am patiently explaining that the purchase of human beings for sex is vile and he looked utterly baffled. Like it never occurred to him that at it's most basic, sex work is the lliteral purchase of the use of a human. Then he said that he might try it if he was offered because "I've never done that ". We're not friends anymore

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I think sadly it's because this is sooo normalized for the younger generation... I hear rather constantly (though am still shocked every time) about young women I meet selling photos on OF, having sugar daddies, doing 'sex work', selling nudes/sex to random rich men they meet, going to sex parties, etc. They've grown up thinking this is a perfectly normal and in fact smart way to make money, so naturally men have come to believe this as well, as young women (or bots) offer it to them constantly online and in real life as well.

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Yeah, he's 49 and I'm 50. He hasn't got the excuse of youth. I feel terrible when I see the younger women doing this stuff and thinking it's empowered because they've been sold a shoddy bill of goods.

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Consent actually is the PROBLEM. Consent is how liberalism normalised porn (and prostitution and surrogacy).

Consent commodifies and objectifies anything. It is a liberal concept in the service of the most brutalising and dystopia version of capitalism. It is the close ally of the ideology that constructs “woman” as an assembly of consumable, fungible sex parts.

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Class action lawsuit? Any one?

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Feb 9, 2023
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But working for pay is not inherently abusive, exploitative, or traumatic... Being made to perform sex acts we don't want to or have sex with people we don't want to is...

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There is nothing special about sex it’s just a biological function. Dogs with the IQ of 4 have sex. Everybody does not have a similar psychological profile as you, some are able to compartmentalize sex with minimal damage. All exchange of resources under a market economy is coerced and exploitative in some fashion. If someone prefer SW to driving Uber or being a lawyer, why should force them into a profession they don’t want with criminalization and stigmization. There are Onlyfans models with college degrees for a reason. https://nypost.com/2022/11/28/arizona-teacher-samantha-peer-banned-from-onlyfans/amp/

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If sex weren't 'special' then we wouldn't understand sexual assault, rape, etc as traumatic. A man penetrating your body is not nothing. Dog psychology is not the same as human psychology. Also, humans have sex for pleasure, unlike dogs.

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Other primates like Bonobos and some breeds of monkeys have have sex for pleasure. In fact homosexuality is observed in some mammals. A penis going into a vagina is the same regardless of species. We take rape serious because of lack of consent, the same reason we take kidnapping and slavery serious, you are not allowing the other person to do a cost benefit analysis of the action

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Right but if someone stole your wallet you wouldn't feel traumatized for life in the way you do if someone rapes you. Why do you think that is?

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If someone kidnap me, and made me work on a farm, I would be traumatized. The importance we put on sex is, based off the fact that even secular people in the USA, base their morals from Judeo-Christian values. You can’t prove God exist so the importance of sex is illogical, beyond the cost benefit of stds and pregnancy.

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The ongoing dehumanization of sex is an abomination. We are animals, but we are not dogs. Sure, some already damaged people are able to disassociate their consciousness from their bodies to make a buck by providing sex to strangers, but using that as an argument to be permissive towards prostitution (and the inevitable sex trafficking which accompanies it) is psychopathic, disgusting and indefensible.

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Feb 10, 2023
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Of course it's different. What a silly thing to say.

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