Maybe I am just reading something wrong, but it sounds like what Niedzviecki said would almost be something those of us that are a little cancel-happy would like, to create things about people that are very unlike you, to think about things through the lens of someone you don't relate to very much. For all the DEI talk, I think by far it's biggest merit is that by creating a space full of people from all over, with all sorts of different ideas and backgrounds and countries of origin and religions and everything, you get a beautiful mix of thought processes and interpretations of the same event; very different people working on the same problem makes possible the birth of some very creative ideas. That, to me, seems to be Niedzviecki's point so why did they go after him/her/them idk. Maybe I am reading the facts wrong. Regardless, I really appreciate your research and representation and interpretation of the facts! Big fan.

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Yes exactly! A means to counter 'white neo-colonial hegemony' in CanLit or something of the like. But no! These folks are never satisfied. Which is kind of the point, isn't it! It's an abuser tactic to force their families or partners to always be on their toes, in a state of paranoia and fear that they might inadvertently set off the abuser into a rage. Kinda the same thing. You never now when you might accidentally step in it, as it were. It's about power.

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That makes a lot more sense, and I had a feeling that was the case. If they are going to continue to grow their authority, they need to be seen as arbiters of words and actions, and to cut down even their own people. Scary stuff, but thanks for the clarification, and for fostering a non-cannibalizing group!

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