I have a totally different view of the bird park incident. Amy Cooper was clearly not terrified as she was covering distance and running up into his face with her phone while screaming at him. I have been in bad situations with men and I have never run up to get in their faces, and I am a very strong woman. I put as much distance as possible between us while also looking for anything I can use as a weapon. Her dog's resume has nothing to do with the incident and neither does his smug personality. Parks often have leash laws and I have let my dog off a leash but then put the leash back on when anyone else is in the area. That is referred to as basic decency. Cooper caused her own misery and they both used race, but she started it. I've heard her story several times and she has taken no responsibility for her actions. There is a race narrative, and there is also a "terrified white woman" narrative. Rapists (black, white or otherwise) aren't in the habit of pulling out their phones to record the lunatic in the woods that they plan on raping.

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I mean... what were her actions? Weirdness? Rudeness? Surely that doesn't make her deserving of what she suffered? She very obviously wasn't trying to 'murder' Christian Cooper and he very obviously is a manipulative creep who Karens all over the place and goes after all sorts of people in this way. The point is the narrative is all bunk. You can think she reacted badly but she was treated WORSE than a criminal, and she was not a criminal by any stretch of the imagination.

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Too much of media today is like middle school and trying to ruin people, and there's no slow or reverse gear. How about bringing these 2 Coopers together? I remember when James Damore of Google memo fame was destroyed in the media and subsequently fired. This old and hardened feminist would have liked to have a discussion with him. We could both probably have learned something.

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What were his actions? Pulling out his phone and dog treats. He never took a step towards her. He may be a jerk but the narrative that she was terrified is bunk right there in the video. The mob saw blood and went after her, and I agree she didn't deserve a mob attack and the scorched earth tactics used against her. It would have been very simple to leash her dog and walk in another direction. I'm not part of the mob following her around trying to ruin her, but I know what I saw and heard in the video.

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I was having lunch in NY once with my husband in a fancy restaurant, and the poor waiter dropped our shellfish plateau. It was actually a glass slab, and when it hit the ground it exploded like a tiny nuclear weapon. Shellfish and glass particles seemingly in a mushroom cloud with a noise like a cannon from the 1812 Overture conclusion. I cannot exaggerate sufficiently. We jumped straight in the air a foot, as did the other startled people around us, and I said something like “the plateau heard around the world” and we all burst out laughing, it was so startling.

A woman sitting at a distant table jumped up and declared she had a broken-glass shellfish phobia, and wanted compensation for having her composure shattered. All the laughter with the waiter stopped until I said “oh my god you’re serious” and it the laughter all started again as we tried to help corral some of the food for help the poor guy.

Then maitress d’ who had an sneering acidity undercut by a volcano of barely suppressed giggles “Madam,I must inform you that your shattered glass shellfish phobia across the room does not constitute a reason to not pay the bill.

We had a great lunch, dished with the waiter and maitress d’ and it all worked out.

The Kvetching Karen simply was the spirit sister to the Shellfish Shocked. These people learn to hold their opinions to themselves the hard way.

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Wish I had been there. The incident sounds hilarious!

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He... threatened her and her dog... He was calling her dog over to do something to the dog, that seemed threatening, luring him with dog treats. I mean, the point isn't to frame him as a criminal, in any case — the point is that the way she was painted and treated as a result was insane. The narrative was full bs.

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He was "calling her dog over" and pulled out a dog treat, not approaching her. That is not the prelude to violence. I not it had the intended effect of her grabbing her dog by the collar, but she still didn't leash him. In fact, it appears she advanced on him by closing about 30ft between them while dragging her dog. He may be an obnoxious "these are the rules" enforcer type, but the threat, imo, was her running up into his face, telling him to turn his phone off (Is she a dictator?) and saying she was calling the cops. We will have to agree to disagree on the incident, but I agree that the mob after her doesn't help.

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Look, maybe she's a nutbar too, but either way the dude was being threatening, is a Karen and a manipulator, and none of this should have blown up as it did. Certainly she wasn't trying to 'murder' him.

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