The Same Drugs
The Same Drugs
Kellie-Lynn Pirie transitioned to escape her trauma, and found only regret

Kellie-Lynn Pirie transitioned to escape her trauma, and found only regret

I spoke with Kellie-Lynn Pirie, founder of Detrans Alliance Canada, about her reasons for transitioning and why she is now attempting to detransition

Kellie-Lynn Pirie, formerly Kenneth Anderson, is a BC-based detransitioner and the founder of Detrans Alliance Canada. After suffering unimaginable trauma as a child, fighting addiction, and seeking escape from her sexualized female body, she decided she would be happier and better off “as a man.” After getting a double mastectomy, a hysterectomy, and going on testosterone, Kellie-Lynn began to realize she’d made a choice that would not resolve her woes, and that she now regretted. She decided to attempt to “detransition” and founded Detrans Alliance Canada to support others who had been lied to by trans ideology and its practitioners.

I spoke with Kellie-Lynn about her life, her experience transitioning, and her feelings about transition now, in retrospect.

Kellie-Lynn will be speaking alongside myself,

, and Bryony Dixon at an event taking place on May 30th in Victoria, B.C.

Get tickets at

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The Same Drugs
The Same Drugs
Meghan Murphy and guests embrace authenticity, and have real, honest discussions about culture, politics, relationships, internet wars, the media social justice, cancel culture, and more. Conversations outside the algorithm.