He'll be working at the UN in no time. That's the sort of globalist, grifting, anti-semitic, post-modern, airhead institution that would put his photo on the wall to heat up their ideological idiocy and stoke their transexual fantasies.
That's the perfect ending for Captain Trudeau: run the ship of state -- the one he painted his name on, at taxpayer expense, in big gaudy letters you can see from space -- into an iceberg, but keep holding the wheel until it's 100% confirmed that it's definitely going to the bottom.
Once it's taken on water up to the nest, hand over the wheel to someone else -- it'll probably be plucky little battler Chrystia Freeland, 'cause she's a woman, eh -- and then take a lifeboat to a luxury resort on the shore.
I know it's just another shabby, showy gesture, but I'm still celebrating the crack in everything, as Leonard said, the flashlight at the end of the tunnel. So to speak.
Hopium. I'd really rather not leave the country.
And yes, much will be churning along underneath, in the crisis factory. What'll they come up with, we wonder. Pestilence this time?
He'll be working at the UN in no time. That's the sort of globalist, grifting, anti-semitic, post-modern, airhead institution that would put his photo on the wall to heat up their ideological idiocy and stoke their transexual fantasies.
Or maybe a professorship of some kind at some elite university.
I doubt he could handle the student mockery day in and day out... He'll just end up with some kind of board position at the WEF or something
But doesn't it feel good to say Fuck Trudeau Forever? It's quite pleasant, actually.
That's the perfect ending for Captain Trudeau: run the ship of state -- the one he painted his name on, at taxpayer expense, in big gaudy letters you can see from space -- into an iceberg, but keep holding the wheel until it's 100% confirmed that it's definitely going to the bottom.
Once it's taken on water up to the nest, hand over the wheel to someone else -- it'll probably be plucky little battler Chrystia Freeland, 'cause she's a woman, eh -- and then take a lifeboat to a luxury resort on the shore.
He'll always be remembered.
I know it's just another shabby, showy gesture, but I'm still celebrating the crack in everything, as Leonard said, the flashlight at the end of the tunnel. So to speak.
Hopium. I'd really rather not leave the country.
And yes, much will be churning along underneath, in the crisis factory. What'll they come up with, we wonder. Pestilence this time?