I can't believe you posted this on April 17, it feels like three years ago at least. So much has happened since. This was my start to deep dive into Helen's work, then bringing me to Mary Harrington, Louise Perry, Nina Power, and Catholocism (my teenage satanist self is turning in her grave). Did all this happen in one month? I can honestly say I have never been so confused and somehow awakened but also somehow dealing with a cognitive dissonance so refreshing and confusing and unbearable at the same time. Being the weirdo I am, I imagine conversations with you, Megan, in my head, wondering if you're going through the same thing, not sure who to talk about all these conflicting thoughts.

It is even more confusing that all these lovely women, these great female writers and thinkers of today (including you Megan) that I've come across are all Canadian or American or English or Australian. For a perpectually-online European virtual-trans-anglophile (lol), it's so difficult to gauge where political standpoints end and cultural differences begin and vice versa, trying to implement these different ideas into the web of one's own culture that - to begin with! - I am quite removed from (because perpetually online). I'm sure many feel this way but I don't know where they are. While the West has so much overlap in everything, we do have cultural differences of course. I am yearning for someone to translate all of these contradicting new ideas into my own culture. But I'm afraid it'll have to be me.

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It's wild how much I've changed my mind about almost everything over the past five or six years, but yeah, even in the past year! It's so funny to realize how wrong you were about so much. Though of course there were a few things I was right about haha

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Lovely to hear I'm not alone in this!

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