The Same Drugs
The Same Drugs
Matt Thornton on martial arts, self-defense, building a healthier relationship to violence

Matt Thornton on martial arts, self-defense, building a healthier relationship to violence

On the podcast, I speak with Matt Thornton, BJJ black belt and author of "The Gift of Violence: Practical Knowledge for Surviving and Thriving in a Dangerous World."

Matt Thornton received his blue belt from the legendary Rickson Gracie in 1993 and was the first person in the state of Oregon to receive a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He also gave John Kavanagh, father of MMA in Ireland and trainer to UFC legend Conor McGregor, his black belt. Matt’s school, Straight Blast Gym (SBG), became Oregon’s first MMA-style gym. His book, "The Gift of Violence: Practical Knowledge for Surviving and Thriving in a Dangerous World," comes out on April 11th and is fascinating. We talk about good and bad martial arts, self-defense, violence, men with character disorders, and how we might develop a a healthier, more understanding of and approach to violence. 

The Same Drugs
The Same Drugs
Meghan Murphy and guests embrace authenticity, and have real, honest discussions about culture, politics, relationships, internet wars, the media social justice, cancel culture, and more. Conversations outside the algorithm.