Wow, MM. Keep it up. You have one the best bullshit detectors online.

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it's just an ad for porn. they know it. we know it. the most ironic thing is that culture is already so saturated in porn it is the last thing that needs any more promotion. they have already colonised most peoples minds. it's not just about money though. the guys behind porn actually hate us. porn is hate manifest.

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Regarding whether the nature of the production was ignorance or malice aforethought on Netflix's part, given this is the same organization that had no problems with "Cuties" (which sexualizes children) until they caught heat for it, I'm personally somewhat less than inclined towards "benefit of the doubt".

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I get what you're saying about the abuses in the pornography industry and, the potential dangers. But in general, I don't agree that there's anything wrong with using pornography.

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Do you see anything wrong with what happens to women in pornography? I mean, you've seen pornography, presumably (we all have)...

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If a kid gets into looking at porn as he or she is developing, that can lead to big problems in later life. Pornography, among other things, are far too easily accessible to children and teenagers online.

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But that's what's happening, thanks to the internet... Kids are starting to see porn at 11 years old... As long as it's online and free, kids are going to see it...

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Yes. I asked my daughters about when they'd seen porn for the first time and they said it was in their early teens or before. And that was back in the 1990s. The internet definitely can expose kids to porn early on.

I remember finding my dad's porn stash when I was around thirteen. Just magazines back in the early 1970s but still. I think it probably had an effect on me.

Not really all that damaging because I was getting with girls so it wasn't like I was holed up in my room for hours on end wanking it to porn.

I don't know though. I'm sure a lot of people can have problems with it. Especially if you're an awkward guy and you don't get with girls that much, or maybe not at all. It'd be something that would become your "go to" sexual outlet because it's just easier than trying to date real girls, and more convenient.

I think there's that stuff in Japan with hologram girlfriends and "herbivore men". They just figure that the way Japanese society is, it's easier to withdraw into your own world rather than try and compete. Japanese birth rates have plummeted.

That sort of thing is probably spreading more and more today. And the nonsense of the so called pandemic has just made things weirder for dating too.

The "Me Too" hysteria didn't help matters either as far as people getting together naturally. Many, if not most men and women haven't any idea of how to flirt.

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I don't like violent porn. There are other types of porn that I find disturbing and am repulsed by. Cuck porn, race porn (blacked), gang bang, teen/barely legal, pegging. I don't like gay porn either.

The thing is, all of that is fantasy, or kink. Though when it becomes "fetishistic", rising to the level where the individual no longer controls the fantasy, and cannot find sexual gratification without it, then we're talking about a possibility very destructive obsession.

I wish you'd get together with Dr. Debra Soh and have a conversation about these subjects. Have you read her book - "The End of Gender"?

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All porn isn't abusive. I wouldn't though, want to hazard a guess on what percentage of porn performance is coerced. Is it all, by it's nature coerced? I don't believe so.

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