Pathetic that the venue caved so easily. Not surprising, of course, but I imagine it must still be disappointing to discover that yet another venue is run by a bunch of cowards.

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Huge respect for all the drafters and signers of the letter. As a US Navy retiree, I'm happy to read the volunteer security team was made up of veterans. This is perhaps something that can be copied at women's events over the border and across the pond.

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right on!

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Great letter you made in response Megan! These trans people are such lying terrorists- trans-Talibans scum

They lie, threaten, murder, rape and vandalize to get their way like Dana Rivers, Nikki Secondino, Marcel Harvey, Yesenia Patino, Karon Fisher, Audrey Hale and countless others. Still their murderous behavior is ignored and people capitulate to their threats. I'll never understand

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It was co-written so I cannot take all the credit but thank you for your support!

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Thank you!

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Tell them all to get down on their knees and suck ladydick like good little girls.

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