The Same Drugs
The Same Drugs
PayPal is banning people for political reasons — how can we fight back?

PayPal is banning people for political reasons — how can we fight back?

On the podcast, I speak with Toby Young, whose Daily Sceptic and Free Speech Union accounts were cancelled by PayPal.

On September 15, PayPal froze the accounts of The Daily Sceptic and the Free Speech Union, both founded by Toby Young. While some progressives and liberals argue that tech companies like PayPal are private companies, and therefore have the right to deny services to whomever they like, the ramifications of this trend should deeply concern us all. PayPal restored Toby's accounts this week, but the fight isn't over!   

I spoke to Toby live on YouTube on Thursday, September 29th at 4PM CT/5PMET.

The Same Drugs
The Same Drugs
Meghan Murphy and guests embrace authenticity, and have real, honest discussions about culture, politics, relationships, internet wars, the media social justice, cancel culture, and more. Conversations outside the algorithm.