Can I give this 500 hearts? Even the term "transgenderism" needs to go.

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Thank you for your outrage. I share every single word of it. Reading this on the morning after another friendship ended over this. It helps to know that I am not alone and seeing all of this so fucking clearly.

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Absolutely feel all these feelings, but also a queasy certainty that this is very far from over. Remember Cassandra's fate. The precarious position of feminists (and immigrants, gays and Jews, oh my) will not be redeemed by scientific studies or logical arguments. They've written so much gender ideology into law and policy that will take political savvy and finesse to undo. Unless a right wing tsunami comes in and overturns it all along with women's rights, gay marriage and the separation of church and state. Outrage is justified and revenge is sweet, but the long game may be better served by patient, and shrewd, diplomacy.

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I don't think it's all over but that the debate is opening up and people are putting limits on the transing of kids is... something... People have caught on to what's going on and pointing out that it's insane. We still have the problem of the institutions being totally captured and all progressive politicians and parties being on board, plus the wealthy autogynephiles leading the way...

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Nonsense governance.

Too many Canadians allowed all this stupidity from 2014/2015 to now to infect our society and now our governments are totally incapable of dealing with real economic problems.

My African and Asian friends still have difficulty wrapping their heads around Canada thinking men can get pregnant, free hard drugs for addicts is a good idea, a million migrants a year is possible to integrate, and mandating EVs for everyone by 2035 is workable.

Nonsense governance.

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The first person to defriend me on f4cebook over my views on 'transgenderism' came back later and begged to be friends again. "I miss you", "I can't get another life-long friend", "We talked every single day", etc. I never said another word to that person and if a thousand years pass and we're still alive and living in another star system, I will still be waiting for an opportunity to execute that person. Cowardice, anxiety, and looking the other way are behaviors for lesser beings. Humanity requires better of us. I want trials. I want Nuremburg 2.0 (2.1 can be for Covidians.) There are going to be so many reverse ferrets we'll all be able to make coats.

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Broavo! May I share this on the book of face?

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haha of course!

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Honestly, I am over the whole “safeguarding” part of this insanity being many big name advocates’ SOLE concern. Of course it is important to protect children… but I get really frustrated with the line that it’s bad because kids will regret “changing sex” as opposed to it being fucking impossible to change your sex.

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Well, why didn't people care to stand up early on? It's because it seemed to be just a 'woman' problem, and most failed to predict how this all would also impact children. In any case, I share your frustration. That most people are so hyper focused on 'regret' never made much sense to me either. We shouldn't be going along with any of this either way.

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Although all of us subscribers may not be "friends" in the normal sense, we are better friends than the FB "friends," and we engage our brains. Bunk is a great word, and this house of bunk cards is crumbing like Madoff's spreadsheets. "I will not look at those men standing up now and demanding to know why they are the “only ones speaking up about this” and asking “where are all the women on this” as brave leaders. I will not pretend away truth and reality in a fight for truth and reality and I will not allow men to rewrite history to suit their wallets and egos." Some men and their female worshippers would tear society down in order to give males credit for things women accomplish and lead. It's an emotional problem. The lunatics will need some new fad to follow, so I thought we could resurrect phrenology. "The Lavery Electric Automatic Phrenometer supposedly measured brain activity. But in reality, it just studied the way one’s head was shaped." https://www.vintag.es/2020/09/lavery-electric-phrenometer.html

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Just feel my skin crawl, when I hear 'born in the wrong body, or 'feel like a girl' or 'feel like a boy.' Such destabilizing bullshit, destroying kids, destroying families, destroying education since critical thinking is past, no open-ended questions for thought and discovery, but foregone conclusions. Education: boxes inside boxes. We can't fix this fast enough. Thank you Meghan.

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Well said Meghan, keep up the good work! As with the nonsense surrounding covid, people have to discover the courage to simply say 'no'.

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Excellent vent.

Statements I made 40 years ago when I first had an argument with trans were proven accurate. It’s bitter success. Thanks

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Oh, BRAVO!, Meghan. You have nailed it!

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Thanks Marie!

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A woman on fire, speaking the truth, may frighten sheep but she also awakens lions.

I think we're at the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end.

Thank you, top lion.

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This!!! Just say “NO”!! Keep up the great work! The tide is turning. Slowly.

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The World Professional Association for Trans Health, WPATH has been exposed as the ideological non professional body it really is. The material in the Files was provided by former members of WPATH. WPATH continues to be seen as the authority on trans health. It seems the trans activists have so much power that there has been no mention in the MSM of the explosive content in the Files. I encourage everyone to see the Youtube of Jordan Peterson's interview with Michael Shellenberger, the recipient of the information in the Files. It is shocking and quite rightly is being compared to the lobotomy surgeries some time ago. I believe it is up to us as individuals to act, to do as much as we can publicise the Files and stop the mutilation of children.

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