Excellent article. Frightening really. As a woman, I can't believe how delusional this trend and social construct has become. So harmful to children, adolescents and society at large. Historically, a major sign of a civilization in decline is gender confusion. We are there. Something is deeply wrong, sick to the core when women have to continually fight for the essence of their being and who they are. I will never conform. No men cannot have babies, compete in women's sports or go to female prisons. If I was having children during this time I would home school or hire a private teacher with other like minded parents. Surely this thing will implode on itself soon? We can only hope.
What has shocked and disturbed me is the number of gay men I know who have embraced the trans and queer movement. They do not see that little boys and girls that would grow up be gay or lesbian are being turned into what are fake women and fake men. I have lost a good long term gay friend over this, and know others. My hope is that the Christian and Muslim families that have been protesting Trans ideology in Canada's schools have caught the attention of other parents who will join them. School Boards in Canada seemed to be filled with woke people who support the trans ideology.
That the LGBTQ + alpahbet people are seen as under attack shows the power and the money and behind the move to disrupt families and sow social discord. Money is being made by medical corporations and the pharmacy industries.
Women, by asking for our right to exist, are seen as the enemy.
Drag culture went viral when there was no pushback or objections to minstrel performances that made grotesque caricatures of women as breeders, bleeders and b#itches as well as portraying women as venal, stupid, petty, hypersexual and envious. While such minstrel shows became abhorrent, ostracised and banned in the case of other ethnic groups and disabled people, women because of their unique position vis a vis a baked-in male hegemony, (i.e. women have no male constituency within the ranks of women as in other groupings which also include men; an identity which can't be insulted forever with impunity, unlike women) so the show went on and on and on....Until finally drag culture burst out of it's subculture status and into the mainstream with a vengeance, hellbent on shoving women aside; and given that success, erasing the concept and the biological reality of females altogether.
Having spent my life working to stop violence against women I see the transgender tsunami though the particular lens of how this male supremacist movement is battering down every safety tradition built up over centuries, like single sex bathrooms, as well as initiatives instituted over just the last half century; like shelters for battered women and rape crises centers. I understand the long-term consequences on people's bodies from carcinogenic hormones and savage, sexual surgeries and the suffering and expense that entails for those succumbing to gender propaganda, but the immediacy of women's lack of refuge from male violence grabs my attention also. Yet the transgender movement directs our attention away from this ever-present danger of violence against women and girls and demands that we refocus our attention onto the pseudo-violence of "misgendering" female imposters.
It's one thing to take note of the violence that transgender people experience, but where is the reciprocal concern for the violence women and girls suffer at the hands of transgender people. While the violence sustained by transgenders is usually visited on them by other trans males or average men there are also thousands of trans males who kill, rape, assault, stalk, and threaten women with such actions, as well as job loss, loss of reputation and more. Serial killers, rapists, et al like Marcel Harvey, Dana Rivers, Douglas Donna Perry, Haddon Clark, Archie Tally, Darrell Marager, Allison Hale, Robert Kosilek and numerless others, but there is no female equivalent who kill, rape and threaten trans males in this wholesale fashion. Yet you never hear a male in womanface plead for a stop to the threats, murders and rapes of women by trans males. So why are women always placating trans men with declarations of their undying sympathy, empathy for the hurts trans suffer at the hands of other men? Fear? An indifference to, or trivialization of the much more severe and numerous attacks on women? Why aren't women acknowledging the disproportionate hate and violence trans males inflict on females?!?
We need to keep in mind that 'trans' now covers a lot of territory. I suspect that most males who claim to be 'transwomen' are actually transvestites, for whom their very male body is essential to the performance of their fetish. Even these days, being a transvestite is not cool, but being (or claiming to be) transgender is because it gives them victim status, and they can claim to be the most oppressed and marginalized people in the entire world. [I have more sympathy for female judges in Afghanistan.] These men are not just fake women, they are fake transwomen.
I increasingly see trans as a men's rights movement that demands that women accommodate male desires, fantasies and fetishes. As usual.
I don’t understand why more people don’t see it??? Any movement that REQUIRES the silencing of dissent and “hate speech” is so obviously depraved and incompatible with our principles of liberty. And for the press to come along so blatantly bereft of journalistic integrity...I just don’t get it. Where are thinking, civil people???
If “pro-trans” arguments hold water, then let them face questions and debate.
I think it’s that whole ‘they’re so evil/like Nazis so we have to silence them/force them to submit to our correct, kind, good ideology’ thing... this really works on progressives.
Well yes, but that is so much to do with MSM (Dem) propaganda... It's not the fault of people who voted Trump, in other words, it's about these nonsense accusations of 'facism' coming from the media. I know you aren't trying to play 'who is to blame', but the fact that progressives cannot get past the 'right wing' smear is a flaw in them that is difficult to resolve so long as people don't want to really engage...
Gay and lesbian advocates and defenders (Glad) was not originally formed to fight for gay rights. It was founded to provide legal defense for a group of pedophiles meeting in Revere Massachusetts at the apartment of Richard Peluso. Men like Harvard's Arthur Clarridge, Boston Children's Hospital Dr. Donald Allen, Fassenden Sch. Headmaster, Tom Reeves, Professor at Roxbury Community College and others met in Revere to engage young boys with liquor, porn and sex. See New York Times article from 1977 and Boy Crazy, by BENOIT DENIZET-LEWIS 5/15/2006. Also see Boston and Boise .
Indeed! Such a clear and important article. What offends and enrages me is that all this huffing and puffing from The Canadian government is from a department that took over the Status of Women Canada, the agency that was conceived in 1971. Their purvue at a time most of us recall was to support us. But in the Age of Gender it was shuttered, closed, gone, and up rose the spectre of Women and Gender Equality Canada, explained thusly: "Women and Gender Equality Canada's earliest iteration was marked with the appointment of the first Minister responsible for the Status of Women in 1971. Initially established within the Privy Council Office, Status of Women Canada became a departmental agency of the federal government in 1976." So sayeth the google god.
So not only does the department actually eviscerate rights of females, it claims to be an "iteration." All the gobbedly gook of queer ilanguage puts Canada at the forefront of policy. Lucky us. Now we women, the ac tual women, not the pretend women, need to step further aside to protect the queer movement. Gag.
Excellent article. Frightening really. As a woman, I can't believe how delusional this trend and social construct has become. So harmful to children, adolescents and society at large. Historically, a major sign of a civilization in decline is gender confusion. We are there. Something is deeply wrong, sick to the core when women have to continually fight for the essence of their being and who they are. I will never conform. No men cannot have babies, compete in women's sports or go to female prisons. If I was having children during this time I would home school or hire a private teacher with other like minded parents. Surely this thing will implode on itself soon? We can only hope.
Sick is right!
Exactly what you said.
What has shocked and disturbed me is the number of gay men I know who have embraced the trans and queer movement. They do not see that little boys and girls that would grow up be gay or lesbian are being turned into what are fake women and fake men. I have lost a good long term gay friend over this, and know others. My hope is that the Christian and Muslim families that have been protesting Trans ideology in Canada's schools have caught the attention of other parents who will join them. School Boards in Canada seemed to be filled with woke people who support the trans ideology.
That the LGBTQ + alpahbet people are seen as under attack shows the power and the money and behind the move to disrupt families and sow social discord. Money is being made by medical corporations and the pharmacy industries.
Women, by asking for our right to exist, are seen as the enemy.
Drag culture went viral when there was no pushback or objections to minstrel performances that made grotesque caricatures of women as breeders, bleeders and b#itches as well as portraying women as venal, stupid, petty, hypersexual and envious. While such minstrel shows became abhorrent, ostracised and banned in the case of other ethnic groups and disabled people, women because of their unique position vis a vis a baked-in male hegemony, (i.e. women have no male constituency within the ranks of women as in other groupings which also include men; an identity which can't be insulted forever with impunity, unlike women) so the show went on and on and on....Until finally drag culture burst out of it's subculture status and into the mainstream with a vengeance, hellbent on shoving women aside; and given that success, erasing the concept and the biological reality of females altogether.
Having spent my life working to stop violence against women I see the transgender tsunami though the particular lens of how this male supremacist movement is battering down every safety tradition built up over centuries, like single sex bathrooms, as well as initiatives instituted over just the last half century; like shelters for battered women and rape crises centers. I understand the long-term consequences on people's bodies from carcinogenic hormones and savage, sexual surgeries and the suffering and expense that entails for those succumbing to gender propaganda, but the immediacy of women's lack of refuge from male violence grabs my attention also. Yet the transgender movement directs our attention away from this ever-present danger of violence against women and girls and demands that we refocus our attention onto the pseudo-violence of "misgendering" female imposters.
It's one thing to take note of the violence that transgender people experience, but where is the reciprocal concern for the violence women and girls suffer at the hands of transgender people. While the violence sustained by transgenders is usually visited on them by other trans males or average men there are also thousands of trans males who kill, rape, assault, stalk, and threaten women with such actions, as well as job loss, loss of reputation and more. Serial killers, rapists, et al like Marcel Harvey, Dana Rivers, Douglas Donna Perry, Haddon Clark, Archie Tally, Darrell Marager, Allison Hale, Robert Kosilek and numerless others, but there is no female equivalent who kill, rape and threaten trans males in this wholesale fashion. Yet you never hear a male in womanface plead for a stop to the threats, murders and rapes of women by trans males. So why are women always placating trans men with declarations of their undying sympathy, empathy for the hurts trans suffer at the hands of other men? Fear? An indifference to, or trivialization of the much more severe and numerous attacks on women? Why aren't women acknowledging the disproportionate hate and violence trans males inflict on females?!?
We need to keep in mind that 'trans' now covers a lot of territory. I suspect that most males who claim to be 'transwomen' are actually transvestites, for whom their very male body is essential to the performance of their fetish. Even these days, being a transvestite is not cool, but being (or claiming to be) transgender is because it gives them victim status, and they can claim to be the most oppressed and marginalized people in the entire world. [I have more sympathy for female judges in Afghanistan.] These men are not just fake women, they are fake transwomen.
I increasingly see trans as a men's rights movement that demands that women accommodate male desires, fantasies and fetishes. As usual.
Cry, my beloved country. 😪
I don’t understand why more people don’t see it??? Any movement that REQUIRES the silencing of dissent and “hate speech” is so obviously depraved and incompatible with our principles of liberty. And for the press to come along so blatantly bereft of journalistic integrity...I just don’t get it. Where are thinking, civil people???
If “pro-trans” arguments hold water, then let them face questions and debate.
I think it’s that whole ‘they’re so evil/like Nazis so we have to silence them/force them to submit to our correct, kind, good ideology’ thing... this really works on progressives.
Well yes, but that is so much to do with MSM (Dem) propaganda... It's not the fault of people who voted Trump, in other words, it's about these nonsense accusations of 'facism' coming from the media. I know you aren't trying to play 'who is to blame', but the fact that progressives cannot get past the 'right wing' smear is a flaw in them that is difficult to resolve so long as people don't want to really engage...
Gay and lesbian advocates and defenders (Glad) was not originally formed to fight for gay rights. It was founded to provide legal defense for a group of pedophiles meeting in Revere Massachusetts at the apartment of Richard Peluso. Men like Harvard's Arthur Clarridge, Boston Children's Hospital Dr. Donald Allen, Fassenden Sch. Headmaster, Tom Reeves, Professor at Roxbury Community College and others met in Revere to engage young boys with liquor, porn and sex. See New York Times article from 1977 and Boy Crazy, by BENOIT DENIZET-LEWIS 5/15/2006. Also see Boston and Boise .
Indeed! Such a clear and important article. What offends and enrages me is that all this huffing and puffing from The Canadian government is from a department that took over the Status of Women Canada, the agency that was conceived in 1971. Their purvue at a time most of us recall was to support us. But in the Age of Gender it was shuttered, closed, gone, and up rose the spectre of Women and Gender Equality Canada, explained thusly: "Women and Gender Equality Canada's earliest iteration was marked with the appointment of the first Minister responsible for the Status of Women in 1971. Initially established within the Privy Council Office, Status of Women Canada became a departmental agency of the federal government in 1976." So sayeth the google god.
So not only does the department actually eviscerate rights of females, it claims to be an "iteration." All the gobbedly gook of queer ilanguage puts Canada at the forefront of policy. Lucky us. Now we women, the ac tual women, not the pretend women, need to step further aside to protect the queer movement. Gag.