Mar 6, 2023Liked by Meghan Murphy

I agree. Unless I'm making a point I don't say 'trans person', man, woman, etc (and absolutely not 'trans child') because to say that is to accept that the concept (gender identity, differently-sexed different bits of the same person) is a real thing. People identify as, or say they are, 'trans', but since no one is trans in the sense that they have a brain of one sex in a cranium of another sex, and everyone is trans in the sense that we don't identify with all sex stereotypes, it's not just a meaningless word but a downright misleading one.

Just because I don't share the belief, though, doesn't mean I'm phobic. I'm also an atheist, but that doesn't automatically mean I'm an islamophobe or an anti-semite. I just don't believe in the principles of the belief system, and similarly I don't agree with gender ideologues about how the world is. We can accept that a Christian *is* a Christian in the sense that they believe they are, but we don't have to believe they actually are an ensouled creation beloved of the Abrahamic deity, whose soul is destined to spend eternity in heaven or hell after they die.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Meghan Murphy

there is no such thing as transition. you can redraw the map but it doesn't change the land.

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This is a great piece Meghan. Clear, well articulated and brave. You never disappoint. Thank you for standing up for the truth and defending women’s rights unapologetically.

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Thank you!

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Meghan Murphy

If you want to successfully float a social movement based on lies that everyone knows are lies, emotional manipulation is required in order to distract us from what we would otherwise recognize as reality. Fortunately for the liars, some people are very triggered by name-calling. "Transphobic" is one such name.

You write: "...we are talking about something much bigger: the truth. And reality. We are also talking about women’s rights and the safety and well being of kids." Shame on you, Meghan, for mentioning such transphobic concepts as truth, reality, and women's rights.

Speaking of women's rights, have you noticed that they're on shaky ground these days, and not just from the anti-abortion crowd? Liberals and feminists are rightfully passionate in defense of a woman's right to control her own body with respect to abortion and reproduction. But when it comes to genitally intact male felons, including rapists and murderers, being housed in women's prisons, a woman’s fundamental right to bodily autonomy and safety gets shoved to the margins. How come? Somebody should do a study on how being accused of transphobia leads to virtue signalling and the dissolution of reason. Oh wait...you just did that.

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Well said. "Being labelled a transphobe is scary. It signals to progressives not just that you are bad, but that you are dangerous: on par with Nazis and white supremacists who wish to eradicate certain members of the population"

This is the part that infuriates me the most. We could be talking about any darling topic of cancel culture--trans, climate, vaccines, whatever. The culture's entire posture is designed to deliver pretext for violence against the non-believer in order to achieve political dominance. The not-so-funny irony is that by supplanting the free exchange of ideas with unchallengeable calls to "shut her down" (or worse), the progressive far left becomes the very "Nazis" they ascribe to their targets. Anything goes when they've convinced enough people that you're dangerous.

"Scary" is absolutely the right word.

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The bright side, in as far as their attempts to vilify regular people using their brains in rational ways goes, is perhaps that these activists have used hyperbole as a tool for so long now that no one believes them, and the 'nazi' and 'far right' labels are becoming meaningless as a result.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

While I've long rejected the label of "transphobic", I came at it more from the second half of the term. I don't fear "trans", and I'm not even disgusted by them as individuals as I've seen [edit: mentioned] in some right-wing memes.

(Their behavior towards others is another matter entirely, ESPECIALLY their pushing to psychologically and physically mutilate children who have no idea what the putative adults are trying to do to them.)

Using the "phobe" suffix has always struck me as trying to sound "sciency" with a term used by psychology, as if there was some scientific basis for the label instead of a bunch of insecure bullies trying to silence any criticism, no matter how mild or fact-based it may be.

(Never mind that their grasp on "science" in general is about as tenuous as that of Trofim Lysenko. :P )

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023Author

Well yeah, I mean the 'phobe' part is a bit weird either way, because I feel like that is or should be connected to some kind of psychological (irrational) 'phobia' — Agoraphobia, for ex.... I suppose it could also be argued as an imperfect framing when used in the context of 'homophobia', in that I suppose there is a difference between believing gay marriage is wrong (which I disagree with) and being irrationally fearful of gay people. I guess a lot of people who might be called 'homophobic' see it as a sin/wrong or as gross... Which also doesn't necessarily qualify as a 'phobia.' In general, I suppose it's best to be specific about what it is we are talking about, disagreeing with, or criticizing, rather than applying labels...

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023Liked by Meghan Murphy

This is excellen Succinct. I no longer try to convince about the truth. There is no point. i'm not wasting my time. This piece offers a framework for people like me who are sick and tired of this nonsense. Everlasting thanks to you.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Meghan Murphy

You took the words right out of my mouth.

But why is this not self-evident?

(No answer required.. I know that also.)

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I never liked the "phobic" label to begin with because it is belittling and conversation ending. It paints the other party as holding an irrational fear and therefore not worthy of engaging in a conversation or hearing out their views. Even if I don't agree on policy, people who object to same sex marriage have a reasonable argument as to why it was not a good idea. It is not (usually) an irrational fear or a blind hatred based on an ick factor. For this reason I have stopped using phobic and just started saying "anti-same sex marriage" or whatever the issue is. Here it is a bit different because as you rightly point out there is no such thing as a trans person. I'm actually not even sure how to characterize views like ours without making reference to the trans concept. Pro-women only spaces would work, anti-gender treatment of children...but these constructions are definitely more awkward and don't lend themselves to memetic catch phrases.

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It's annoying there has to be a word at all, considering all we are doing is articulating material reality, for the most part. "Defending women's rights" works in some context but not when we're talking about kids or the fact men can't get pregnant. I find all the labels imperfect, even "gender critical".

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The time may come when we have to defend women's rights with respect to pregnancy. The transmedicalists want to make uterus transplants available to men so they can "give birth." Of course, if this ever does come to pass, it will be framed as just another woman's normal pregnancy. The autogynephilic fetish knows no bounds.


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I have never understood the defensive response to the stupid "transphobe" name. I'm glad to say I'm a transphobe because I don't believe in letting this cult harm children or endanger women. I remember the days when the cross-dressers/transvestites did their own thing around their own company and the rest of us went about our lives. These aren't your grannys trannys. "Trans" is a dangerous cult and we are already way past Kristallnacht.

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I suppose part of my objection is that it implies one has an irrational fear, whereas in truth we have a rational objection...

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My response to that is I can redefine words, similar to the way the T cult makes up Orwellian definitions and fake pronouns, and the way they scream if one doesn't go along with their definition of the word woman. I define a transphobe as one who doesn't believe in playing Mengele on children, and anyone who isn't a transphobe does believe in mutilating and sterilizing children and enjoys destroying families. Voila! Phobe has a new meaning when preceded by trans.

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Amen. I don't give an inch. Men are men, women are women, and kids and teens must be left free to grow and develop without misinformation & endoctrination. Any teacher or school official who tries to fill their mind with utter nonsense should be FIRED. FAST.

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If I ever see you in restaurant, I will pay your bill.

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Haha. Thanks!

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