This was a great convo. I am interested in James's "conspiracy theory" that says the pervs want to butcher children and adolescents in order to sterilize them. I have wondered whether the reason "progressive" governments at all levels, and in way too many countries, are so keen to give deadly drugs to addicts (and homeless and mentally ill people) is to facilitate their deaths. This is a known outcome of those policies (see Schellenberger's "San Fransicko"), much like sterility and a tremendously constricted existence is the known result of medically butchering kids. In both cases, the hysterically fussed-over "carbon footprint" is reduced. When I bring this up in polite conversation, I am told that I'm too cynical. I frankly doubt that it is possible to be too cynical. The outcomes are known. The policies to produce them are enacted. But making the connection is cynical? Horse shit.

I would also like to second James's recognition of and admiration for your courage MM. Were you a man (and you are delightfully not one!), we would say you really have balls.

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Thank you! haha. I appreciate that.

I'm not so sure about the conspiracy thing myself, though of course it does seem to be the result, it's difficult for me to feel so cynically that this is the planned intention.

It certainly doesn't seem a stretch that the elite would want to sterilize the masses so that they can develop their transhuminist future unhindered... Or that porn addicted pedophiles would want to keep kids 'young forever' in order to make them ideal for their abuse... But I'm just not sure that, say, Justin Trudeau or Joe Biden or these gender clinics would be in on it. I feel like they're more just useful idiots and/or trying to keep their funding/jobs.

I don't know. I'm just thinking out loud.

Anyway, thanks for listening I'm glad you enjoyed the convo!

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I would say Meghan really has labia lol. I'm with you, I think Jason's theory is *interesting* but not a lot of evidence for it yet. However, I too am trying to figure out what the angle is with sterilizing kids. Not sure the pedo angle, Meghan, explains everything, because puberty blockers et al don't stop growth, like, you don't stay thirteen or twenty-three forever. I know the left has always been concerned about overpopulation and I'm not at all convinced that's a bad thing, even if we can support all those people (we don't). The earth *is* a finite resource and we can't populate indefinitely without serious repercussions, and we're already seeing them now. But....uh...if your mad plan was to control the population by creating fewer breeders, why not target your enemies on the right rather than the left? What are they trying to do, ensure a Trumpocracy for the generations? :)

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