I usually listen to your where are the women podcast Thursday mornings, but something came up today so I haven't finished it. I did hear you start to talk about this though.

I gotta tell you, you're my favorite 'terf' (or podcaster, but I like your writing too). I have no idea why you aren't more popular, but I'm glad to hear that money isn't your main objective! I love listening to you (and Mary Lou) and I'd hate to see you change anything or ever sell out.

I see the question 'where are all the women' and I always make sure to mention your podcasts name (it's the perfect name).

I'm a huge fan and my views went from left to right about the same time as yours. So I've loved following you on this journey and I hope you continue!

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I honestly think part of it is that I'm just really bad at social media and algorithms, and am not particularly interested in being good at those things haha. (Thank you, in any case!)

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I saw that tweet and immediately thought of you and Bridget, wondering how much that poster had tried to look.

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It's just so weird that she is actually in the podcast business (I mean the tech side, but still), and can't see the women struggling to make it in this world?? Like, ok sorry I don't have 20k downloads on each episode... Might she imagine why that is and what it takes to get that?? (Money lol.)

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I listen to all of those you listed, in addition to the Brit-Fems. I don’t know the demographics of total podcast listeners, but I would guess it is closer to YouTube than Instagram. I’m not exactly sure what the means.

Ironically, it was your ban from Twitter that originally brought you to my attention. I’m drawn to dissident voices. Bari, Brett & Heather, Tara, you. As soon as someone is cancelled, or escapes the clutches of the “institutions”, I feel the need to investigate. I guess I’ve always been a contrarian.

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Yeah I have the same inclinations! I usually am not inherently drawn to the mainstream/popular people, and upon listening, tend to be annoyed but those who sound overpolished...

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Sometimes I forget how long you've been at this.

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Me too haha

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