The Same Drugs
Where Are All the Women?
Why are young Americans having less sex?

Why are young Americans having less sex?

Meghan and Mary Lou investigate the mysterious disappearance of Gen Z's libidos

Sex is everywhere but apparently no one's having any. Young people — the very ones meant to be preoccupied with sex — are having less of it, as compared to older generations — why?

On this week’s Where Are All the Women stream,

and I discuss the various reasons young people are hooking up less, from anti-depressants, to the pill, to dating apps and online culture generally, to porn.

We stream live every Wednesday at 5PM PT/8PM ET on YouTube and X! Join us live by subscribing on YouTube or listen to the audio on your own time on the podcast by subscribing here on Substack. Please keep in mind that this audio is raw and unedited, pulled straight off of YouTube so includes engagement with viewers in the live chat and meandering chit chat.

Find Mary Lou Singleton on X @ML_Singleton.

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The Same Drugs
Where Are All the Women?
We stream live every Wednesday on YouTube and X!