A mystery is upon us! Our supportive and committed venue has, according to social media, cancelled us on account of “inclusivity” and “respect for all individuals.”
Here is the story:
Our small group made up of volunteers with no money and much to lose booked the Ambrosia Banquet Hall for an event called "Vancouver Island Speaks: Women’s spaces, parental rights, and protecting kids" in May. We decided to keep the venue secret to protect them from the inevitable harassment, threats, vandalism, and bullying venues hosting women advocating for kids, parents, and their sex-based rights receive.
Ambrosia pushed us to reveal the venue, as they were proud to host the event and wanted to advertise it to their communities. They told us they supported us and our message and were excited we'd chosen their venue for this conversation. We presumed they were not prepared for the level of harassment and terrorism trans activists routinely inflicted on not only anyone challenging gender identity ideology, but anyone refusing to turn us in to the Gestapo, so insisted on keeping the venue secret, despite their wishes. Turns out we were right to do so!
Our May event went off without a hitch. We were thrilled, our attendees were thrilled, Ambrosia was thrilled. We were happy to have a supportive venue in Victoria, of all places, home of the NDP fascists who believe the people of British Columbia will continue to vote for them no matter what they do to families, women, kids, and the working class. We were evermore committed to showing up to demonstrate that they were wrong — to show them democracy is nothing without the voices of the people. That they were not entitled to women’s votes, to the working class vote, to the immigrant vote, or to the family vote.
We re-booked the same venue for our next event, called "Detransing Canada," scheduled for September 14. Ambrosia Banquet was fully aware of the event (indeed, the men running the venue attended our last event) and its aims and again was supportive, and swore up and down they wouldn't cancel, no matter what, so this time we decided to go public with the venue.
The harassment started immediately.
Trans activists called and emailed Ambrosia incessantly, showed up at the venue, vandalized the building and harassed staff, causing one young female to have what she described as a "mental breakdown." The owner told us he had been “abused" by these people. Tormented, stressed, and afraid, the owner cancelled our event. He told us the stress of this ongoing abuse was too much. We were angry but sympathetic.
Before we could make a plan to regroup or discuss possible solutions with the venue, we were sent dozens of screen shots taken from Facebook and Instagram — Ambrosia had taken our poster and marked a red "X" over our faces — the faces of women who have suffered years of torment, threats, censorship, violence, and abuse, simply for standing up for women and kids, for saying that men are not women and are not welcome in women's spaces, that kids are never "born in the wrong body," and that people can't change sex — and were posting messages attached to this new, proudly censorial imagery pretending they weren't "aware" of our event, that our event didn’t "align with their values," and that they "stand for inclusivity." (The irony!)
I had thought I'd seen it all when it came to two-faced cowards, but this really takes the cake. I have personally heard NOTHING from this venue except support for our group, cause, and events. Not once have they expressed concerns about the event, beyond fear of the trans activists they described as abusers and bullies. I am, perhaps naively, disgusted, shocked, and appalled. And would of course like all of the trans activists celebrating their "win" to know that Ambrosia is run by TERFs, just like us.
Well, not really like us...
These men are too cowardly to tell the truth and stand up for what they believe in. They are willing to throw women under the bus to save themselves. They don't yet know that catering to these bullies will only result in more bullying, and will learn the hard way.
Ok, loser Victoria trans activists. Ok, uggo, socially inept, sad, friendless phonies, who spend every waking moment of their ample free time harassing people who are trying to have conversations about material reality. Ok, people who are forcing open the floodgates to creeps, rapists, child abusers, and fetishists so they can access the most vulnerable, no questions allowed: You win.
You win at scaring people into submission. You win at silencing community members, their families, immigrant communities, and women. You win at mangling and sterilizing children. You win at condoning predators in girls' change rooms. You win at making men beating up women a sport. You win at terrorism. You win at turning Canada into a living, breathing, South Park sketch.
I know you hate the truth, but I’m never going to stop telling it:
The world is not on your side, the world is on our side. And once people realize that they don't have to bow down to you just because you scare them shitless, the jig is up. We are on the right side of history, and you will go down as abusers, terrorists, and psychopaths. No one will forget it. And you will all live with yourselves in hell, which I've decides is for sure real, just for you. We aren't done, we aren't giving up, we will never surrender.
It's utterly vile how they couldn't just cave/cancel, but also chose to throw you and the others under the bus like that. Cowardice is one thing, but just having zero honor whatsoever is a stain on their souls.
What a travesty! Brilliant takedown, Meghan. Those Ambrosia (call it Smegma bc it stinks) cowards deserve the cesspools of hell with the pedophiles, rapists and perverts they're sucking up to. These attacks on women for speaking out are reaching an inflection point, and decent people must stand up against the mob. Thank you for your courage and eloquence!