It's utterly vile how they couldn't just cave/cancel, but also chose to throw you and the others under the bus like that. Cowardice is one thing, but just having zero honor whatsoever is a stain on their souls.

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Absolutely. TERF is just the new word for witch, as Andrew Doyle and others frequently point out, so those cowards are the same ilk as the ignorant witch hunting zealots of the past. A "Scarlet X" no less! How can they live with their hypocrisy and cowardice??

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It was likely part of the ransom. Those bullying the venue probably indicated that they’d continue to “make it hurt” unless the cancellation were an act of showy submission / contrition, giving a public recitation of the management’s “learning” something something about “inclusion” something something.

Silencing discussion through threats and violence is an effective strategy, it seems. I imagine nearly every female athlete at the olympics knows how much destructive punishment and censure would come at them for speaking out against the obvious unfairness and violence happening right on TV. They choose silence, because they have so much to lose.

But what do we gain from silence and cowing to bullies? Nothing. It is a false peace.

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This. Ultimatums and threats work, because law enforcement is missing in action when defense against trans gangsters is required. TRAs are like a state sanctioned mafia. They get away with everything. I blame Trudeau’s rhetoric and policies as much as Ambrosia. I wonder if the police would have shown up at all, given the nature of the conflict.

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This is one of the most terrifying parts, in my view. Criminal behaviour ignored or even condoned by police because those committing violent or nuisance crimes are on the “right side” of an ideological discussion. In this case, it sounds like police weren’t called.

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Yeah and so they feel entitled to commit crimes, including violence. They believe they can get away with anything because everyone is terrified of being accused of being 'transphobic.' It's scary and dangerous.

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I agree. The police don’t want to engage with fanatics who are so unhinged and violent that the cops would have to use force to subdue them, and it would look messy from a public relations standpoint.

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What a travesty! Brilliant takedown, Meghan. Those Ambrosia (call it Smegma bc it stinks) cowards deserve the cesspools of hell with the pedophiles, rapists and perverts they're sucking up to. These attacks on women for speaking out are reaching an inflection point, and decent people must stand up against the mob. Thank you for your courage and eloquence!

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I'm sorry to hear about the venue cancelling Meghan, but I'm glad to hear you're still commited to speaking and stading up for the truth on this issue. The truth is great, and shall prevail. God bless!

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Your rage is completely justified. It’s one thing to shout “uncle!” when a mob is beating you to death in the name of “re-educating you to be more loving, tolerant, and inclusive.” It’s quite another to shout “cancelled!” and point toward those “witches” your attackers insisted you end all association with.

The citizens who paid the venue for a place to hold a panel discussion about medical ethics and safeguarding the vulnerable are held up to the public as worthy of censure, cancelled due to a conflict of values like inclusivity blah blah. Well, those were the terms of ransom from the terrorists, I suppose. A public prostration to the almighty rainbow.

The venue sounds utterly naive about the wrath that would come at them if they disclosed their involvement well in advance… fuck around and find out. But if you “find out,” then trumpet to the public about the outrageous, unwarranted abuse you received from activists. Make a case for free speech. Instead, it’s the worst of both worlds. The venue initially goes public with their supportive role, then goes public with their simpering appeasement of the criminals who vandalized their property and threatened their staff.

And once again, women, kids, vulnerable adults, and families are the ones who have been disenfranchised.

We can’t give up or back down. It’s one hell of a moment in human history. We all must find a way to interrupt this onslaught of destructive ideological capture and insistence on conformity of thought.

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Yeah, the fear and worry about their safety and business I get (but also, call the cops...and also, we warned them repeatedly...), but to then turn around and claim ignorance, to lie about what they told us, about their values, about the real reason they cancelled the event, to claim we threatened legal action, which we did not (though I would like to, now), and "vandalize" our poster by drawing a red "X" over our faces (!??!) is just pathetic and gross. I will never give up or back down. We are doing everything in our power to find another venue, as we always are forced to do...

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It all speaks to the power of the trans movement, and the banks and corporations that are funding them.

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Sometimes we have to fight fire with fire. I have emailed Ambrosia about their gutless caving in to the transactivests. May they get many more messages like mine.

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Thank you Joann!

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"We will never surrender". I believe Winston Churchill ended one of his most famous addresses with that line, referring to the war against German fascists. It fits here on so many levels: the gradual increase of violence to silence others, the creation of a political culture that replaces dialogue with intimidation, and the Woke-Hamas alignment and the Jew hatred it stands for (interestingly, Judaism views debate and disagreement as a way of manifesting the divine in daily life).

Meghan, I support you with all my heart. If I lived in the West I'd be right there, attending every one of your events, and doing what I could to fight for your human right to express your beliefs.

This article raises an interesting question: how is it that the notion of inclusivity can be used to exclude the non-violent expression of contrary ideas? The words 'inclusion/diversity' have been subject to an Orwellian twist and are now used to justify their opposite.

The Woke have distorted some of the foundational concepts that allow us to find order in the world: woman, equity, social justice, inclusivity, diversity, and humanity, for example. It is difficult to think about these important concepts without falling into the Woke understanding of them. How the Woke have reconceived 'humanity' is particularly terrifying.

When the Woke look out at the world, they don't see individuals who share basic needs. They see reductionist categories: "BIPOC", white, gay, straight, Jewish, Muslim, coloniser, colonised, and so on. These categories pre-exist the idea of a shared humanity. There are gay and straight people, to be sure, and there are some generalisable differences between members of those groups. I'm a straight man and I see the adult female form as erotically sublime--a gay man wouldn't share that view with me. What a gay man and I share is that we both see sublime eroticism in other people. We can relate to each other on that level, and recognise our shared humanity in this slice of the human experience. The perception of this difference sits within the context of our shared humanity.

But the Woke see differences as more fundamental, categorical and definitional than our commonalities. They begin with the differences and in so doing make it virtually impossible for us to unite compassionately through our shared humanity.

The Woke have organised humanity into a hierarchy based on the different categories they have invented. So they believe they're defending inclusivity by excluding people they disagree with because they don't see those people as fully human. They don't see those people's needs as equal to their own, in fact, far beneath their own, so your experience of being silenced can't compare to the discomfort of allowing others to express contrary views. Simply, they don't see us as fully human, so it's ok to oppress us....in the name of diversity and inclusion.

This way of viewing the world is the core of every single oppressive regime throughout history. It's called dehumanisation. It works. Once it becomes a political habit, it can be turned against anyone.

The Iranian socialists who supported the revolution in the 70's learned that the hard way when the Jihadists that used them to gain power turned around and started burying them alive. I wonder if they had "Queers for the Ayatollah" back then.

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I’ve read so many accounts of this sort of harassment and censorship, but crickey. This is a new low.

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These bullies are cowards who hate and fear truth. And they know it's true, which is why they hate it and fear it so much.

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