Really enjoyed this conversation. The fact that the mainstream media and less than genuine politicians continue to deride and downplay the output from Shellenberger and Taibbi means they are on point. It is too bad Michael’s run for California governor did not gain momentum but his work here may be more valuable. Keep up the good work and interesting content Meghan.

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Great conversation! Always enjoy listening to Michael’s perspective!

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What a great conversation! I really enjoy listening to sane people who think. My only point of contention is with MS's belief that Hitler and Stalin had good intentions. Hitler's desire for "lebensraum" (pardon my spelling) included the goal of enslaving the populations to the east to serve Germany's Third Reich. There might have been some benefit for Germans in that, but it hardly qualifies as a good intention. Jordan Peterson has said that Hitler's desire to exterminate Jews was motivated by "disgust". Some Germans certainly benefited from stealing the possessions of Jews, but again that hardly seems a good intention. Stalin was a power mad freak who simply destroyed anyone or anything if he thought it would help him acquire or maintain power. Martin Amis's "Koba the Dread" details some of the profoundly disturbing history of this freak and his actions. You couldn't find a good intention there with the Hubble telescope.

My favourite point was that we'll never get rid of murder but we don't make it legal, in contrast to the expanding legalization of drugs, homelessness and prostitution. The cynic in me suspects that the woke environmentalist left sees that as a way to reduce the population and thereby save the planet. Now there's a good intention!

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At around 20:20, did he compare drug addiction, theft and prostitution to murder? Seems an exaggeration.

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