This was so great. Thank you, as always, for bringing these important issues to light. I read Solzhenitsyn in my 20s and 30s (I am in my 50s now) and couldn’t believe how ignorant we were, and still are, particularly in the UK, about the horrors of the soviet regime. I even remember being taken by my mother to a USSR exhibition in London as a child and I still have the pin badge as proof it happened! From having read about Stalinist Russia I have seen parallels with so many things happening in the UK and US that it is truly terrifying the direction we are heading in. But people around me, educated, smart people, don’t see it because they have no reference. I only have those books: Cancer Ward, The First Circle, A day in the life …, and of course the Gulag Archipelago. After reading those books, which each changed my life, no one can say “communism is a good thing in principle”. I will be getting the paperback of Xi’s book when it comes out. Thank you to you and Xi for everything you do.

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Ahhhh this is all so frustrating. The fact we are not really taught history in school nowadays is such a massive, dangerous problem! (I'm glad you enjoyed the interview! Thank you!)

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